Network Security - An Overview

What Is Network Security?

Network security is undoubtedly something you’ve heard before, even if it’s something you haven’t given much thought to. If you’re in the business world, however, it does deserve some attention. Network security is defined as “protection of the access to files and directories in a computer network against hacking, misuse, and unauthorized changes to the system”. In other words, network security protects against data theft and misuse, two huge issues when dealing with sensitive data from your clients and customers. With the continuous and needed use of the internet network security has become a must, and any computer that can be accessed by a user can be a security issue.

How Can I Protect Myself?

Network security comes in all shapes, sizes, and layers, which is good, because there are multiple devices and layers on your network that need to be protected. The first step in network security is in accessing what is vulnerable on your network.

The first thing to be accessed is the network itself. Who is on your network and how much authority do they have on it? Network Access Control allows you to not only see the devices and IP addresses on your network, but also allows you to block any unwanted traffic or flag any suspicious behavior.

Another concern that needs to be addressed is with the applications that are running on your devices tied to the network. You need applications in order to run your business, but these applications may also have holes or exploits that allow hackers into your system. This is why it’s not only important to keep all of your applications up-to-date, but to also ensure that no unneeded applications are running.

Malware is another concern when dealing with network security. Malware is malicious software designed to gain access to your computer without your knowledge. Viruses, trojans, ransomware, and spyware are all forms of malware. It can stay dormant on a user’s computer or spread into your network before attacking, causing system malfunctions and data leaks. This is why it’s important to ensure that not only are all devices on your network running an up-to-date and efficient antivirus, but that they also have a good antimalware program in place.

Email is also an issue that network security can help protect you against, and is one of the biggest threats facing businesses in terms of security. Through the use of phishing, cyber criminals can obtain access to an email account. Once logged in, they can gain access to other online accounts linked to that email address, send your clients deceptive emails, and go through any sensitive information saved in your inbox. Email security helps secure the access and content in email accounts and services, greatly reducing this risk.

Cloud security is a rapidly growing concern when it comes to network security, since so many businesses are migrating to a cloud-based system. Most cloud systems boast that they offer better, more efficient security, but this is only true to an extent. Unfortunately, when it comes to cloud systems, it’s only as secure as the user (in this case your employees) make it. Without strong password protection and efficient lock outs in place your data is actually more at risk than if it was on a server located safely within your network. In order to combat this employees should be educated not only in what strong passwords are, but also in knowing how to recognize phishing attacks.

Network security protocols can be implemented together in order to ensure your sensitive information is properly protected, which is ideal, since so many different types of attacks exist in today’s cyber world. Indeed, taking steps to ensure good network security is in place can be daunting, but we’re here to help. Give us a call at (216) 282-5222 with any concerns or questions you may have and let us help you secure your business.